
Level 80 Builds Edit. Builds in this section are the result of extensive community discussion, testing, and consensus. Sources may be found at the bottom of the page.
There's no bacon like Holy Bacon (by Ophelie) Alright. It’s a been a couple of weeks since 5.4 and I’ve had time to experiment with our shiny new features.

Rogue builds - WoWWiki - Your guide to the.
The Bossy Pally and the Giant Spoon |.
Talent Calculator for the new Mists of Pandaria expansion of World of Warcraft.

[Guide] Discipline healing in MoP - 5.4.

Looking For Pally Talent Build 4.0.1 Elitist Jerks?

Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator.

Paladins as tanks - WoWWiki - Your guide.

An effective tank of any class must accomplish two things: Hold aggro on monsters the group is [Guide] Discipline healing in MoP - 5.4.

Looking For Pally Talent Build 4.0.1 Elitist Jerks?

[Guide] Discipline healing in MoP - 5.4.


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